Avoiding Liability Through Proper Recruiting & Interviewing Techniques
Description: Although employers understand that they must avoid making discriminatory employment decisions, not all employers are aware of the significant liability risk the recruiting and interviewing process presents. This class provides managers/supervisors, and HR professionals involved in the hiring process with training to spot and avoid potentially discriminatory practices including describing the protected classes under state and federal anti-discrimination laws applicable to applicants and the difference between disparate treatment and disparate impact, identifying where discrimination can occur in the recruiting and selection process, highlighting issues to be aware of and best practices to implement during the recruiting process, listing interview questions to avoid, providing practical steps to avoid the appearance of discrimination and bolster defenses to a discrimination claim,providing an understanding of the recently amended Criminal Offender Employment Act.
Click on the link below to register.
Registration Form URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ppb__pbNRd65wiOR6Mmcrw